The frequency of functional testing for pressure reducing valve fire protection may vary depending on factors such as industry guidelines, local regulations, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. However, a common practice is to conduct functional testing of PRVs annually. This regular testing helps ensure that the PRVs are operating correctly and maintaining the desired pressure levels within the fire protection system.

Functional testing involves verifying the PRV’s ability to reduce and maintain the desired pressure downstream. During the test, the valve is typically operated under normal system conditions or simulated fire conditions to assess its performance. The test may include evaluating factors such as pressure reduction accuracy, response time, and the valve’s ability to maintain a consistent pressure within the required range.

While annual testing is commonly recommended, it’s essential to consult the specific guidelines and requirements of your jurisdiction, industry standards, and the manufacturer’s recommendations for the PRVs installed in your fire protection system. These sources will provide more detailed information on the recommended testing frequency and any additional requirements for PRV functional testing. Additionally, it is advisable to involve qualified professionals or fire protection experts who can assess your specific system’s needs and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.